Vets in Ellensburg

About Us

Are you looking for the best veterinarian in Ellensburg? We are happy to help. Below you will see the 3 best veterinarians in Ellensburg and their contact information. No longer will you have to search through many unrelated pages and try to decide what is the best place to take your beloved pet in times of need. Let us do the hard work of finding you the perfect veterinarian in Ellensburg, so you can focus your family.

Why Vets in Ellensburg?

Many times when trying to look for local veterinarians people are flooded with online services or vets in other cities. Vets in Ellensburg aims to make your search easier by listing the best veterinarians in Ellensburg, so you know the veterinarian you are looking at in our site is local, easy to locate in case of an emergency or regular checkup.

Provides a wide variety of veterinary services for animals in Ellensburg and surrounding areas.

Phone: 509-925-2833

Valley Vet and Cascade East are well-established, full-service, small and large animal veterinary hospitals providing comprehensive medical, surgical and dental care.

Phone: 509-925-6146

Medical facility for animals that offers comprehensive animal medical care services for pets including dogs, cats, and other household pets.

Phone: (509) 925-2332